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Chicken and Vegetable Stew is a good balance of omega and essential minarels, a highly recommended dog food recipe - Dr Pallabi
This homemade chicken vegetable stew looks so mouthwatering that you might keep it for yourself. My puppy "SPOT" needed a change in taste and I was too busy to try a time-consuming delicacy for him. Hence, I came up with this easy and quick version of chicken and vegetable stew for my dog. It is made with highly nutritious whole veggies and best-cut chicken meat loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and essential minerals suitable for your dog,s digestive system.
Homemade Chicken Vegetable Stew for Dogs Recipe
Preparation Time 15 min | Total Time 45 min |
Cooking Time 30 min | Total Serving 1 |
List Your Ingredients
1 cup carrot sliced into cubes
1 cup cucumber sliced into cubes
1 cup green beans (Chopped)
250 grams of chicken breast and thighs
In a saucepan add 3 cups of drinkable water and bring it to boil
Now, add 250 grams of freshly cut chicken pieces to it (I am also adding a piece of chicken liver to it as an extra source of mega-6)
Let it boil for 5 minutes
Add, 1 cup of chopped carrot
Add, 1 cup cucumber (chopped into cubes)
1 cup of green beans sliced into small sizes
Stir the contact of the pan for a while, then cover it with a lid, and let it cook for 15 minutes under medium heat.
Avoid overcooking vegetables, as overcooking may lead to the loss of valuable minerals and vitamins from the stew.
Remove the pan from the stove as our stew is now ready
Let it cool and serve it to your pooch.
Isn't it easy and quick?

Try this easy and quick homemade recipe for your dog also leave a comment or your questions for me to answer.
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